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What is PLA?

  • PLA stands for Polylactic acid and is made from corn starch. Lactic acid is made from Dextrose by fermentation. Dextrose is
    made from corn starch, and corn starch is made from carbon dioxide and water. PLA can be formed into a variety of products.
    Corn plastic products look and feel like traditional petroleum-based plastic, but they are biodegradable and compostable.

What is the difference between regular plastic and PLA plastic?

  • Regular plastic is made from petroleum that is pollutant and have toxins; while PLA is from derived from corn based resin, which
    is non-toxic and renewable resource
  • Regular plastic takes approximately 400 years to degrade, leaving toxicity in the environment. PLA plastic biodegrades in less than
    60 days.
  • Regular plastic can be recycled or thrown away; PLA plastic can’t be recycled -- will biodegrade in less than 60 days in a
    commercial composting facility. It will take longer at home composting facility.

What are the products made from PLA?

What is the symbol for bioplastics?

  • PLA, which is a Bioplastics fall under symbol # 7 as “Other”. Symbols # 1 to 6 are reserved for regular plastic

What is environmental impact of using biopalstics?

  • The production and use of PLA, Bioplastics is generally considered as a more sustainable activity compared to petroleum based
    platic production, because it relies less on fossil fuel as a carbon source, and also introduces less greenhouse gas emission when it
    biodegrades. They significantly reduces hazardous waste.
  • While the production of most of Bioplastics results in reduced carbon dioxide emissions compared to traditional petroleum based
    plastics, there are some concerns that the production of a bioeconomy could contribute to an accelerated rate of deforestation if
    not managed effectively.